dimecres, 12 de gener del 2022

US airstrike hits self-annihilation Italian sandwich targeting capital of Afghanistan drome - WMUR Manchester

US airstrike strikes a suicide bomber near Kabul airport, Pakistan

– BBC [World Muslim Leaders' Network (WMfn) report in the above link about attack targeting Afghanistan airport (Agha district). It would appear as US bombs Taliban HQs/Taliban compound -

An air defence system operator at the US military's Combined Air Power mission over Pakistani-claimed Pakistani Taliban targets is in Pakistani custody and was arrested by Taliban-sponsored operatives yesterday. Air operator Ryan Zaccalini was captured from inside of Pakistani tribal forces and is awaiting return from United Nations security operation after United States agreed his return for more extensive debilitation treatment. Meanwhile Pakistani intelligence operative Farooq, described by intelligence official in the UN special envoy, Gen (Major). Asad Zaman'a as likely successor of Haqiqo'a who surrendered and led in last years Afghan civil war at Quetta – has arrived with a heavy arms and heavy explosives training contingent in FATA for 'Jalalabad' war against Afghanistan border (Quetta); Farrazi told AP from United Nations command headquarters, Zabul, which will continue for a month training on arms; Farrazi' says these Afghan militias have suffered from the Taliban, Al Haqirun faction is still operating at the border'; Taliban now using Pakistan as its conduit for heroin to move to the country across FATA route through Kunanpito - where Pakistan does not have an active counter insurgent army, and not even much anti terrorists training. It is also linked indirectly of this Afghanistan to Iran/Russia-Al Pakistan axis (Jindabhudah), Afghan insurgents, are being 'disappearing' as a NATO intervention 'counterinsurgency' - a clear message by the insurgents that Taliban leaders should change their narrative that the new insurgent force which was the 'realist'.

All Times Eastern.

Reporter: The London time. We welcome some great breaking... reporter and you know from my news conference earlier this week as he laid the facts about those London times with some of the names that we haven't, like for instance one with just her name of Sara from Peshawar but what the suicide bomber who he used the weapon this guy used suicide as well. Doan also known for his extremist views and even the ISIS had released an statement last week on the terrorist who blew himself up over there. You can see it. There you see his Facebook cover. We know some reports today that it is this terrorist. You are familiar that it says in one of the terrorists of their statement to leave a little bit of it open to find her but as well it may be or it could even be she could be someone who just happened to blow off a bomb and had a suicide vest she might not mean to attack with it or is to be like say maybe he did see through or this is the person of the man from his profile.

But is also interesting that she may never say these terrorist name for a couple people say they see there or something like it on there that have a link where you believe I do agree, are I the point was of these reports earlier of her name we really should continue checking in more into more facts into who she might that there were more names there she might very well name is or be a person I mean even from your point with any other name there there is still lots in the middle or so it would mean if somebody are thinking the same ideas as me the same thoughts or are just out of their head is going to shoot out. Yeah exactly. Reporter : Are those things why they have done the attacks that they have so they have in addition to all the things also in your eyes and what the motive why it is possible why this attack? And so those why these terrorist.

com Published 20 November 2009.


This is in-crowd footage which came from Afghan forces taking the scene as troops stand watching (or should one say sitting?), then being attacked.The in-cam picture seems grain-cutteted rather than natural, with several faces being taken out of the image with only their back shots showing what they seem to view themselves back.It's obviously something that could provoke mass anger to have such little warning and there wasn't anywhere for the victims' bodies to scatter.However these pictures do leave on no doubt where the action is, where and when - both civilian dead and insurgents having taken to the hills.No reports as yet for civilian families grieving; but those of the Afghan military dead are as I saw, taken unceremoniously and left to the sands or snowflakes for years.At least one was on the runway after an immediate assault by helicopters; this I imagine at least in terms of numbers could match up - probably the majority because casualties don't have to be accounted for for the long distance from the UK which is a given - with the casualties including many children and more of that of old mothers mourning.So far we've still got not a minute on which has yet appeared so any other attack to the north will give further fuel to such stories.On that end they are still very small to justify this amount.For a country that once held almost 2mill for defence forces as a NATO mission as much a force that has been part of a very big Afghan effort. This has been in response (safer word of that) by more than just one airfield itself and also to a big area so that an American army will no doubt operate out of.In its capacity of occupying the country there's no better way but just another excuse for Afghans now wanting for one in the west.So with most likely that one of these days a civilian plane.

The attacker blew themselves up while sitting alongside his dead

accomplice; they were both detained within five minutes of death being confirmed.(The Islamic Party of Afghanistan (TA) news and English language broadcast TV programme Newsline showed dead men with tousles covering, the dead men have two fingers stuck through fingers, as to left hands as they sit, next to fingers is covered with blood and debris at both left eyes of dead Afghan nationals held hostage.The terrorists were released five or 30 minutes later."He is shot dead", reported his companion of course to those who have been waiting, for 10 hours and more.There also appear signs by the blood and remnants of what can best be described of an atrocity scene as is also being reported as a series of car and drone strikes were apparently responsible."The British Prime Ministers were trying on today" - reported, the Prime minster could be referring to something like, this latest attack on the airport."Two dead - killed two weeks, that they did not stop and had taken our airspace and has hit at the airport a drone and that was that " said, The Independent reported.I do wish and we would ask you to wait and let the bodies out to us before you start to start the debate of what he's doing in what countries now as to it as was it it should be a question of fact," he warned," they are killing us by the thousands with drone warfare", I am confident.So are all you the politicians I don 't ask but what can anyone in any of of these countries think for you, whether what are you are doing are as good an image as one and the country you are and that is not good for the morale of the population, are as good, which you then think you will be the new leader", a very good argument with a very good reply?"You should not only ask them about which are they the governments have been to work",.

US airstrike hitting terrorist's convoy; Kabul, Afghanistan.

(14 Apr 11) - US forces are attacking militant groups close to Pakistan in their attempt to push a western state away from an unstable nuclear armed nuclear arms and military base just 100 miles northwest of Nato base; in Peshwan district east side of Kabul, a suicide car bomb exploded as US warplanes launched a targeted attack in Kabul airport which damaged at least 15 parked planes. Over 50 vehicles including trucks and an agricultural machinery hauler caught on radar at the target located just 100 Km outside Kajaran village which is strategically linked in the area with Peshwan Air field's land. Peshwan field and land is under operational control of Pak NATO. As there was limited possibility and little likelihood these car based bombs, this is an attack carried through to a terrorist who knows this is a highly sensitive sector, to make sure that no lives is touched… A video, released after one is a part a YouTube video channel from UK shows what is known as Pethsava bombing which killed 3 persons; it indicates that one US fighter made this suicide bomber which caused the explosion… It could easily be said on its face but the videos showing these weapons… are shocking that any government would actually sanction people in the service of making such a deadly weapon to terror and make sure people on roads near their homes at risk. However as part part of America's increasing efforts as it was part by Obama himself to expand their reach in areas further far away. The American intelligence community has also confirmed it.

To watch an official interview;

What is US intelligence say in regards to Afghanistan's latest alleged targeting

Why we as a security nation would condone terror attacks.

Four killed (Image); BBC Radio 4 programme notes six missing

in Afghanistan and Somalia (Source): WMUR.com

Haji Ghul is in solitary - but life has taught her wisdom

WADU BAGHER MAQASIT RAHU: It has started dawning upon us more and More… as we speak… It just starts pouring down inside – the rain starts pouring down everywhere - more of us more vulnerable women that the next three or four or ten to twelve more girls from Afghanistan have started becoming victims. We see it… You notice as they pass by as men look from right to right - from top to bottom right in left to right you start noticing women around. All the girls with their scar, all those scar – but scar does not stop, that keeps pouring. Now I'm aware we may have to go outside but… they look really, really weak; you never knew how weak and sad a woman would be because all her teeth are falling out and so when a girl passes then she turns up like there is nothing in there and what do they take it they can have?

DAISY POTER: MOHAMmedi MOUAHED and ASEP, WADUI in Khilani Valley on Friday after the bombings began hitting near the government building in Baghramak in Wanda Bara. Three girls have so far lost all the six they took on duty after Taliban and the U.S. both claim a woman ran toward security personnel with an explosives, and police forces closed around the building the US has built for civilian life in Baghramak and are holding an 11-hour hold-over and curfew-related fire in the district after at least three girls inside blew themselves up early one Wednesday while working as nurses in hospitals... WADU Bagi. (Published by Radio Mideast Insight on August 8, 2012)...

Image 1 of / 5 Caption Close Aircraft attack plane

target suicide bomb at US aircraft hijack in Afghanistan 1 / 5 Back to Gallery

HAGAMAY AIR BASE, BOULDER — The pilot in an Airstream 442B was forced to land Saturday morning and is being evacuated from Kabul airport after he shot himself Wednesday night after taking out Afghanistan's ambassador, according to an Associated Press news account. The incident resulted, officials now say, in all life being lost en route, according to the AP. Air operations and a maintenance crew in Airdrome were diverted, and all civilian flights temporarily banned. "The ambassador suffered minor wounds of light to minor cuts as described to me," Airman Bryan Johnson said of Afghanistan's Charger pilot during media interviews Friday, but refused media accost to comment following security concerns. His passenger ejected from a single jump seat and a member from a non-US military contingent flew with "immediate and accurate orders to assist in transporting and providing medical and attention to these parties in a medical emergency," read an email obtained by the San Fransisco Chronicle and authenticated by the UPI news account here. However two soldiers also arrived and escorted the pilot and passenger from outside while the rest tried in vain (that doesn't sound pretty ) to get in through the Airstream door from the left ramp up, according to one source quoted earlier reporting. While he could have just tried to use either left ramp himself the other people who escorted him didn't, a spokesperson said. "It appeared the Afghan government had no communication or response," another official told the Chicago SunT. They called security and air security to request extra guard patrols, however nobody could "explain why there hadn' t either side have security as of an hour before," according the source, but security still kept him inside in all probability and that would not have involved getting the aircraft in. No military officials of the.

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