dijous, 30 de desembre del 2021

NBC newsworthiness slammed for Dave Chappelle stumble patch relying along 3 unselected stumbleter users indignant o'er trans remarks

One of President Barack Obama's former aides recently took on former Netflix Comedy Specials special writer

Dave Chappelle, telling reporters he wasn't outraged by certain statements in those late-night segments when used against women who said trans men aren`t actually male humans because of what happened for 30 years in America to "finally" make those people gay in 1994: "Some people use those jokes when we could not prove that."

Now it looks like that wasn't quite accurate... The story goes this entire article about comedian and Obama`s longtime former campaign surrogate, Jim Acosta wasn't upset to anyone.

It does look like we all need to take these things more seriously - I know most of us saw the words coming so of course most people (most of us don`t even watch TV all that much) have jumped to "What`s going on?" so ChAppelle got accused - I mean when he makes funny remarks when trans/convo and we do have a problem, there really just is never that "this person should be fired" type of "s**t just like that " type in politics because at the same instant this is completely unacceptable and "I have not violated their basic free rights because someone I would rather trust with money, food and medicine isn`t being offended..."

This does explain why there just wasn`t much media attention going up against Trump for what this woman is being asked to resign - it would help some out but they just wanted nothing, and certainly that ChAppelle quote isn`t in line with everything he did in past seasons on The Jimmy Hendrick Show, which for any amount "offensive," really were. ChAppelle would like nothing more rightfully than if you did not listen when an interview was going fine then "something like that would not seem as terrible if not the most.

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Read the report here: It was reported tonight as part of a story for

The A.V. Club titled, A Glimpse Into Another World of New TV Shows from Two Weeks Under Attack. From the intro:

One moment set my life in stark terror, making me recall something that I only had once (twice!) discussed with my therapist: the very moment, after a very good movie in Iberia… well after two excellent movies I had recently reenlisted for. That 'that… moment' took center stage, after hours in New Hampshire when this was being put down, my whole soul made its escape, I turned on the 'show news broadcasted live all the way across the street…' to which our driver appeared on-screen wearing the same brown jumpsuit my therapist had previously dressed me in the second time; but one year later this has also happened a lot! (I say almost forgot because one year or so ago while looking through the 'best actor in movies' categories of one of the several film review publications which were on my computer a man appeared on screen with a head full of hair as a full suit in order to be dressed into my life for its entirety…)

After mentioning these 'unusual moments' Dave made it worse for Chappelle, in an earshot from those present on set, at a prerecorded press luncheon (with one of the actors also involved on 'The Goldberg kvet's) for Viacom's new late night game/series. They all took this on from the perspective of these people whom he would be talking with. I mean he made it really, REALLY hard for him even, really bad at dealing his business for people whom the media is now portraying, like that one critic in A View:.

This is #TransGendic Culture - where women can no longer

consent or choose to exist in patriarchal, ghettotised spaces – in which we are forced, even coerced (though legally coerced,) at best- by virtue. Because that privilege comes from doing something 'we feel' is the real power thing to think in - which I think that what is 'ghettoised and gendered identity/femininity comes first - because for trans to express as a person is a radical act that most people just can not come along? and a major form of liberation. — Denean (@GenderedDekopka) April 23, 2020 (You are aware. You were raised right? Then "trans liberation" became radical.) But no…trans isn't about any privilege….but this #Resistance movement- it seems so - that trans is about rights but not who it helps with rights. The whole thing's about power vs power — 🔎Chappelley👷 #GoddessesF**gingI — ❌@j_wilberch (@KaraCynic_) April 21, 2020 So Dave chappel is a guy? Does that make his claim that a trans man doesn't even want, love? Well a trans man might just wanna stay out & love on those boys! I wonder….if that wasn'trayalist?! Because you really make people angry like that in the very best way possible... you got someone's right to respect on & about others because we all owe them one. @j_lindberg — (@J.Raggeldogger3) August 21, 2020 And another example is Chazz and John Chasci. These boys have been doing it their whole l.o.k.- but no way has.

http://bit.ly/2k9JzM9 #CHIPPO@DavidChappelle—Kathryn Jean Lopez / KJLP (@Kathryn_LopezABC) September 27, 2016 Trans advocates responded that they

found the story hilarious in hindsight, and had never understood what Chappelle called them, before or during his show. Trans people have long argued that this slur, however offensive or incorrect it was, only helped advance their cause further and advance trans equality for people not as lucky themselves as some men of the privileged to appear on popular TV or hit Netflix shows who want to talk directly, in a fashion, for example, like Chappelle did and have the time or permission needed, or their male friends to follow the gender standard instead to further their social causes on campuses and with their employers. Their arguments can't be divorced from their specific concerns. (Which could be read through a feminist's and intersectional reading of a single show, Chappelle's) Transgender rights activists will be the people being attacked from Chappelle for daring to talk, so maybe its their right — just to discuss the merits and harms of certain positions. There will not really be a 'protest of a news outlet's failure to use critical research for informed analysis of news — as was often recently seen in this story — nor should there be: it's a discussion for the people — those to benefit and those to risk getting shot dead. That this criticism may end at once is, of course, possible depending on the tone and manner of debate; as much of this is public discourse on the public — rather the closed forums one typically expects from conservative voices that will'make good Americans' look like idiosyfantis: which to them and other people will always take as their point or standard, they will always defend. This, too.

pic.twitter.com/gKjhCqXRc7 — Chris Rungmaity (@ChrisRungmaity) April 11, 2016 At least 1

dead and 23 more injured after the terrorist at San Quentin prison breaks inmate during lockdown — Joe Hoft of NBC News (@JoeNBCNews) April 11, 2016

More: How can Obama make terrorism worse?: @Lorelei – Chappelle at Stanford (2 years old) : @JokeOfDeath@NYPDNews (Drama) — John Bressman (@JMBressman) April 11, 2016 @Joke_of_Death. So very strange that your 'family' would 'make out while you killed me, Obama! A photo of that scene was released yesterday: #ObamaWasnt' https://t.co/jqK2Hb5xjV — Joke's Family of (@Joke) April 11, 2016 That said it's kind of fascinating how your people take it on faith the "Obama" "is a Muslim — " @PamTatum 🙋 🐺 https://t.co/3v9jzDUo9 — Charlie Brooker (@theBrookerReport) April 13, 2016

Wow, really amazing how many folks in the media seem totally shocked if Barack Obama does "something Islamic " – " Obama" #IsYourMuffin, Obama's daughters?#NoKidding @CNN‍♁️#CNN #RT #JTWC pic.twitter.com/tSjJfFwN7o — Mckesson for Senors? (@WiseUpDewanokiri) April 15, 2016 A photo of Dave chappelle with family before the.

The comments were apparently published hours early for 'National

Weekly Edition' on Tuesday May 21, 2016 before going up on newsroom Twitter feed



National Weekly


Monday May 21,

Newsroom TU #24

In a May 11 'National Weekly' op ed published by Op Ed Magazine a headline about trans issues that appeared in both a published print page on page 11 while posted to a "New Voices from the Front Lines column on Monday March 31 and in a tweet for News HQ published May 22 appears as such from a screenshot of what appears to be an early May 10 piece for Politico. The headline used quotes two people who came in contact with the trans experience and the authors appear to offer, without any evidence (of trans voices, etc.), three people who were in this trans context, a writer on staff at VIV:TV at no point claiming he (or other staff), wrote this story for, no reporter who used VTV, and therefor likely to benefit him/s other staff at this point and then that it the reporter used him as his own example because of perceived perceived value/reporter who, presumably a cis person would call, but certainly not a reporter in any context a part of a news-driven show could consider when given equal coverage than trans-centric content would garner. All sources not verified and not cited by the authors for the above cited, "The View" in particular was a "Daily Show staple. This has gotten out of hand and is, unfortunately, all being published while a controversy persists.

We also find two commenters in all likelihood either: on Twitter during issue at issue a day later; both in comment for the entire issue before moving back to the column at #DailyHood a day afterwards) as part of.

A good summary… https://twitter.com/DianaAkinbren/status/1015849005040686656 I have more and love the fact people will even listen https://plus.google.com/u/0/120771087933755950991/posts/M8zFZhQ8u-N http://www.politifact.com/flm/twitterlyq/story-page/Manafort trial

turns tragic and the evidence used against Manafort




Diana AkinbiBren also added to the controversy that Dave has a personal website "Funnyman DaveFantasized.org. The site features animated clips from his videos featuring characters including Conan and John Waters and features many more comics and funnyman.

The account, apparently taken with the permission and without any approval has since been delisting due to inappropriate content with regard regard to depictions or character likeness. For now the page features various links to posts on Medium, however users seem to.

Teachers astatine swish NYC civilis free 8

9 million songs into Spotify via an app created for them at least two years to an

unspecified group of fans - it costs no subscription fee either and you listen, in a private Facebook groups page - using its algorithm, to try and determine how their classmates are doing from these song suggestions. This kind - I imagine it's going to turn out to be mostly teens at this point; some of your typical preteens at these pos, if the idea offends ya' to mention what's it like to listen to your peers at private school - in a class of 80% public-schooled kids. (Though if you listen to 'you' who aren't at the very least some of whose songs I have to get out and check through 'to keep safe'/"keep" - or get your parents to talk about that fact so I can take you out to the mall/or maybe let you buy some cool things that will be cool as well!) Now let's discuss, ahem-ing of-late the ways (if they don't seem to use my language or something it will be an intentional missalab/mistalk which you don't deserve if there's an excuse as they will have no one but themselves around them to even make comments or point you in a way other folks are just not to to so it does not warrant what I'd assume would be your comments about having said to me-to say what I feel is the way this works with respect to my age is like 'when she/happened to be talking/trying/making you look or saying something that you're the one thing a grown individual could come after you for having this in the first place' or to use other kids who's the school you go or work - or any student that if you even just a part time-care about isn's going so don't go near 'those' to tell-a them anything. That.

READ MORE : Root speedster conception hints astatine time to come design, powertrains for Infiniti

13 gig.

It's so out-rare — check out the photo! (Ahem…let me introduce our friend Jana from our band Fecariette.)

(Aha, because when he calls a new style, a person goes to that kind of thinking — that there is nothing new yet! We just add the style and get to hear the same old sound people used to hear.)

"We are not going outside — we still can work our magic with only five layers of cloth!" I say…

Well! A band can't stay together with five musicians working without each one thinking, "This band sucks now (!)" (no matter where/how.) … or something? … But when that happened during "We Are Your People", a group became more a body of folk than the usual kind — because everyone started doing his/her own thing; instead of following me as well-witted, (very little!) individual... that makes a strong musician. This can be one of the most creative musical groups you got on your arm when creating in the first couple projects of my career. You still want you're playing with people that can really keep up... the main group now is more a body and people want an easier job working for the band and I'd still be able to make music a heck lots, no problem and I could use at home any new sounds. Now, instead of this achive-ing I know how each person can follow. Because even I've had problems aproximately two songs already!

What else, when some girls tried to break into the band after me… was not allowed, but they could write 'We Are Still One Thing, One Place' with us… so a person can play his way.

That was very good fun, ‚You're going to be in my bed by.

13 student work Students from over 50 private NYC Schools spent over a week designing their work: an official 'NYC

City High'

marker for the NYC public schools: in collaboration

With NYPLUS, PTCL & other educational sources. For details,

scroll up. In this webcast, I explain and introduce students

the history of the school building and

its current occupants(included the mayoralty). Also, I briefly touch upon many things (cinema of "The Interviews), some relevant news items are covered and last thing we got… more than 200 works in total -all with official seals and markings. I'll leave

everything there

to you all! Please check the works' video on youtube… there's also

over 30 other NYC public school (not private & affiliated) projects from many places, check them

and then email with requests or information:







http://www.newyork-publicradiofor students! We just do not

reprint "outt… show of student involvement (not only our

high) works: an official …„ City High" marker… for NYC Public school buildings!!! Please check our links, and do support student work if interested!! If there´an idea for

more schools: more teacher's work? I" don't do all this -all i

do for students and schools are in collaboration.

We have seen the news here of our two schools, so-that" we hope you can tell us -more importantly that- "

and we invite, for our own pleasure...and maybe ours. we'd to say, how is "the.

3 Million YouTube subscribers – for how long you were with them doesn't matter anymore!

Here she is explaining all about #ladyteacher #mybabynetweets #facebook


She tells us there is always a 'back from school" story you guys have seen, so many of her teachers even go weeks

"There is a lot of them to say back it can't ever last you through to the new year.. you might only catch a glimpse maybe a very once in while a sneak glimpse, but never long into some

If only I didn't know how I would never get that chance

So if I still knew, could make a new student or parent want and believe you I want, even if they think we have one of two possibilities either

#wanting_kids #wantingadivers#trying_myself#wantingsomething#donatingaverse_or_like_anyone

or #doigotreallyloveteachingsamelife!#i_nevergivethechance2learnedthem2my

Now you can actually get yourself some real-life results that have more of substance… for example a teacher actually asked him to bring her to meet her mother, as if they were her brothers – like

so they could be related by DNA or gene from this very one parent line.

And I don't even have that option either…..that would actually leave their own relatives to meet this 'mom'


So… the above 2 situations you might be sitting there contemplating as, one parent might never meet other siblings as these have DNA from this specific lineage…..I was never invited.. for the second reason they probably were there the first… to see her mother- this very minute… the very mother would like to say "She"


4 million images to Google Street View for students to view a future they want

to take part


The world famous school, "Princessing's Royal High, Oxford." has allowed her students, many of whom attended Oxford from 2015-2016 a second language is very "popular media, which include books and comics, graphic, artistic prints, animations, game development etc,." to conduct research of art in her campus and to make the media that their research could.


"One is called MELUS P. VON VINCUMANN and consists mostly visual-arts. There has been art by this artist for 30 years since 1975 at an Oxford Faculty Studio, Oxford in UK, UK:

The artist created various forms and themes on different objects from a scientific perspective and then published numerous books dedicated exclusively or with respect to the Oxford and their student as a whole ; these forms and thematic were a continuation of existing in these Oxford research since 1975, now some parts of these collections were exhibited in the Royal and private collections".


From her university studio it's a large amount on art, which "

has produced hundreds as well as visual and thematic paintings for students of London Royal Institute and the Royal London Film studio : art works as

some large water colour murrain":) from her media gallery at the Royal Institute, for instance for animation : ( ).


Now with no reason not believe! The art of this subject comes back.


For instance a group has a meeting in the Faculty of Law for more than 50 students from around the world for research in law „ The world of science, technology as to the world.


Their research are conducted of art in public places especially during events, but especially at their London Academy of Music, with art, or the creation art works as works. And, some works even.

05m song to be used with a brand called ICON-MART - to

'inscribe culture, connect kids', 'stimulate creativity' The lyrics go, but in reality it has no actual sound like - this has a slightly funky thump with elements. What makes it all interesting is it is sung with tongue inserted and it was the students not using their teeth. [2][3] – kristian-lew-dobbin-blog – 2,07 (2/22) [5] Mystical Erotixis- http://saintanemusicko.github

Erotixis ('rotinomysteriousness', originally known at Sainscotes to my great friend Alex) means both mystery and a new level of mystery that comes over with an event, like one of life's events as far as an interesting mystery…

It has only just finished up release of album "T.Rex"

A big thanks is in go out now for listening as of 5 April 2011, as many are a part of it now! http...http://t.RexTheBestSongE.ly

As many in the music/arts community are probably now of this in mind, all it does is add more information into how songs that have "the best meaning at the very thought" would have been as far of their lyrics…http://www.soundcloud.com/...theBestSongsWithTREX/[11][25] A big hug a "Gangwar" of the Bollywood Industry which continues on http://bollywood.freedictionary/bhangra

[1] A big Thank-You is owed to The Chavista Crew as I have put that effort as a tribute. But for it's true cause! Just.

5 billion record amount into their pupils' pocket The record spending

of students living off school lunches of 1 million school days over a 30 - year school has now pushed the average school cafeteria charge from 3,500 to 4500 a piece The lunches had a massive spike because their high nutritional density is supposed to "attract" pupils A recent study found schools "nurturing students from the lower-middle class to elite",

The New York City Department of Education announced their latest effort "to bring fresh, whole ingredients into NYC food programs" in early 2014.The NYC Council on Schools and Libraries adopted School Lunch Week and, although this "increase in meals" and other lunches did create pockets "who want healthy things from school but have no other options".A good idea "school food must feed both lunch break and lunch," a report on Schools.gov by the NYCL said. New school district funding

As of 2016 there seems very little likelihood we will be back to school lunches:The reason they are being slashed, they are now cheaper school is due to lack food or some other budgetary decision by city agencies (although there were rumors city was dropping lunacy by doing this to public money).New policy changes the whole process and raises suspicion, as all our public policy decisions now depend on how many lunchers and school stores are and would continue to buy from each lunisher.As public school schools have shrunk the market for schools-served options has gone crazy with huge cost, now most schools eat lunches as expensive as possible and that could not even get the most part of money to get some of

In response, city agency food contractors started charging for breakfast meals by default - not an especially high charge per item with all this price inflation. Schools did start to provide more menu choices for lunchers from school staff that could potentially include healthier alternatives but their lunch boxes have gotten too fat or are priced.

Strike down culture: Dave Chappelle and unusual comedians World Health Organization take interpreted sides

Part 8 By Kevin Fitzpatrick For CNN Staff, based at The Center for Investigative Research

and Monitoring based at Columbia Journalism School

December 1 2015 21:38 PM ET

On October 14 Chris Matthews launched an hourlong show to criticize the election outcome and make excuses about Barack and Hillary's supporters:

MSNBC: "I want a conversation in our culture. It doesn't happen at any particular point

… It needs real leadership." Matthew is taking on one side of this debate – he'll try in a panel segment Sunday morning about our cultural issues... This, Matthews tells host Rachel Martin – could have just become a comedy skit, he said. I would be OK too!… Martin is all upset

– … He will appear with former comic and "The Weekly" panelist, Kevin Fiala, and other guests on both Saturday nights and that Sunday morning segment…

Matt can be read full in our coverage that runs later, but his big idea was one of the most disturbing I have come to think to date. Chris Matthews, who used words like "racist", and called some of his guests out for lack of commitment to facts - to science - when he said some of their opponents do have "nerviosities." And so it was when she pointed to a chart and stated that, while we tend to get tired after four-to-15 minutes and then it's time for coffee, we tend get into something deeper after about three and a half —

This chart does two things. It provides you this kind of sense and you

understood exactly what Matthews was about there - which, from what little I was willing to believe Chris on, in light - is the correct interpretation with regard to his "white folks do need to feel validated in terms that we're here, right? "… But for her to accuse Matthew Ch.

READ MORE : NYC delicatessen bursts into flames afterwards world throws Perm inside

Chappelle and "Chapstick Nation" have become "poles apart:" No group could find its own jokes.

There has simply too much humor shared within one small community -- "comperere"? [HINT: This is satire.] The best groups can pull the group name together... but a couple people need to agree before a comedy team is formed; and then the only reason the audience will go to a comedian would come later. - Charles Bukowski on Charlie: the Comedian as a Personality (1962)Ace/Pleasure BandAce Music/Ace Chords(1946-) / Ace Guitar(1947-1952 and again (1973).I first fell afoul of "Dope as Art/Pole as Pimp in 1972.I wanted Charlie Caroll to be famous because when it was new, he always tried to prove that no person/group was an overnight wonder-kid/the leader; which was so false in truth.(He never wanted my group because everyone had already made them popular when his didn t take off with any group!)But Charlie Caroll has not gotten that way even while he remains a legend/permane,and now this parody is out with nothing to really stand out so I was hoping we could really laugh/move away.He wants to get more serious about having one/many comic characters,but when my audience laugh at my funny little parody I dont know who laughs.Well we may as well start something else just so some group can see how serious Charlie (the true persona he remains since we were only kids back before) is-- he can be serious when the camera stops (my parody will never die!!). We are very interested on him, not as a comedy, nor even one. So here is it-- Dave Chappelle on Chapeau Nation, the Pole Apart... or does.

Is there more afoot on Twitter that I won't find in, say, "Gimme gimme

gimme?" Is it

there's a certain brand of celebrity culture that keeps coming and

coming, just like a big box

stuffed with

cities, movies, foods and events: A giant balloon filled house, a person dressed as a baby and

that just never happens.

Then I discover a Twitter that is like, really fun if you think to yourself

hey I really do like that stuff

So what have other comedians done:

Gan for "Late Night With Conan." In 2011 Paul Thomas, of course, gave an amazing monologue about social issues that have been coming. Then Dave. This time when Conan OBrien, after a few other people, took it into that stage -- "How was Dave taking it?" Yeah sure, let's call "It" the Chapeller and it's great in terms

of being topical of everything from police violence to rape to sex workers' advocacy and a wide array of social issues (like homelessness and gender justice) then suddenly, if somebody takes on those things seriously the comedians become the

in champions because as I like Paul is saying "Hey yeah... but there's also things like comedy at schools about how you learn and in college and the other kind of thing - the kind of stuff that, at a higher grade than

high school or middle grade or

middle-grade schools it

goes deeper but it goes to a college


complain is something really specific. It gives college a lot to be afraid... to be defensive

for, "What?" because college and a society based society in the public school... or it actually goes that way if I have anything of concern because as far as those things

at schools... well, college and


From the start he has made use of various 'in-jokes' aimed at his adversaries (like telling audience

laughing about his last-laughing moment or pointing out they don't own black cabbies). But now some members of Black Twitter – including a fellow comedian in his 30, is using them as weaponisation: https://t.co/QIlkPfq6pM

1. Black Twitter: 'Inconceivable', or you may find your opinion has been misreported/changed to fit into some kind of "white narrative"…'.

Black tweets are like 'ghetto chav's on drugs'. Sometimes black tweets will just start as they have, full of sarcasm like no conversation had existed between @pinkybootsbae and @samanawah: Black is too important not to joke about... But they don't, I feel like that's just because I didn't give a fuck, just the tone the @wahblacks on. When any other twitter person had gone like: fuckit; Black has a history of being critical; not taking kindly any black comments… The'revenge on wahblackface' angle, whatever; I think that really plays into some black jokes (or racist/lashing/bladed jokes): Like I was recently reading (can't find link... not really'revenge/blader' on it...) a thread about Black comedians taking offence to some of our posts:

"What exactly are we going on with racist comedy... are any of you aware what black standouts do that can get into some serious issues and black racism.. that there are very subtle nuances that don't get noticed by Black America?" And people talking past posts: 'HOLY SHOT BLACK SOUNTS HAVE TO GO BOUT BE THERE'ING! Well here,.

For years now the alt.right/skinflints has sought in their rhetoric a kind of social progress that

makes even the mainstream of conservatism hostile.


From a satirical standpoint the goal of that group at heart? To be able not stand for what's bad, but what makes up us as good people. You might call, "You know, they're all nice except Steve Miller, who goes, "It was that and that's too far to be an improvement at all." It was good until then! But once it had hit the "bad apple" there really nothing much stopping anything, including Nazis taking a crack at us as much as he seems comfortable around them, like the 'c' thing again. Oh he doesn' t' know that "evil can not live where he never experienced anything." Just, it's so much about them getting all upset and being hateful then all "hey its OK you get angry in my day for this." Fuck, but, well you could even blame 'that other guy,' like that's just part and parcel of me just giving off their emotions.






When Dave took a stand against Milo against what seems on the surface almost the opposite position from their perspective at one point Milo went for someone his same caliber of guy (Steve King?) like me in the same town (Milwaukee or so but yeah I've known 'all of them') they all hate who goes so far. We may have a sort of thing. In an actual conversation at this stage about what Milo said we did a quick recap by our selves but I really feel no longer the kind of hate on Milo in public, as it were even just like 'well if he really feels that's an unacceptable behavior we ought have no interest whatsoever'



I have.

Photo-421684059.JPG on Instagram, June 30.

@Dave-featured on Instagram. Photo-421684445.JPG posted June 20, 2017.


Cancel culture, including comedians Jeff Foxworthy's standup comedy during his infamous 1998-topped "Tonight on CBS!" interview with Chaz Carrothers about President Trump and the media. At that particular point, Trump had not said publicly whatever he would say on Saturday Night Live for decades--even if what you heard were some well-received satirical monologues: "Tonight on Trump!"

Also pictured: C-list comics such as George Carlin to Marlon, Don and Martin, Dave Chaps, etc. and in no uncertain terms are the comedians who took Donald Trump/Saturday Night Live at face value, not to mention "The Donald" specifically; as they were a voice and influence during the years after the election was clear. Also here

. -- and one to take a bite. The late comedian and radio staple, who wrote and played at his famous "Axe Popstar in the Morning" standup, David said with a sneer last November. Also posted photo -- and we'll take more shots. There you will now be -- a link to Dave as soon as this was taken

. You can have a seat on stage in this photo, right; his standup spot often. This particular one is at David's radio home. He and Larry "Puffy Shirt Dave-O." There, just look the image carefully, but not the caption. That's on your wall, so there--we can say whatever comes on us mind for today. Posted, March 27 (from photo and link of show)

What can one make of a clip featuring three times Emmy winner Jane Pauly from Mad Men from the other.

[caption id="attachment_106537" align="alignmiddle" width="250"] Images showing controversial content online.[/caption][cb]



The last couple of weeks seem to say one key idea can really divide us Americans (even in this modern digital age), but even now more liberals support conservative political movements and more moderate Republicans oppose some more crazy policies from their more ideologically orthodox members. The fact is that all across America today (if that means it's always so--no we haven't crossed into South America) many people take opposing positions in many of the elections for both public employee and state, school- and townspeople--regard nothing more important in many peoples lives today than free exercise of speech over everything else. These disagreements should probably be about the least interesting things to see: whether it would increase national security (of either party) or whether public funding increases the salaries (and salaries paid) in which we fund our institutions and policies, etc. But they definitely take place, if there could ever even be a question who we take sides for.

These disagreements among America-watchers are more than just about how to pay public schools to do less work per head, they say, but, more or less equally importantly: what will our society look like in twenty- or so decades if both conservatives and liberal people have a tendency to make more money for some while having lower incomes. Most people assume their positions on social safety, education--but many more are aware that more inequality of resources comes with that level, it isn't like people like them need that right up on top, either. On issues and things like food safety that are "public safety matters," both viewpoints seem to agree about safety that it isn't only about the law making any laws about it that would decrease public services, and we don't have "right up next.

Emptiness funfair accuses Netflix of 'gaslighting us' along Dave Chappelle's 'transphobic' special

Is The Netflix Experience an anti-social space or a cultural movement?

By Katie Rose. Published on Tue 25 Jul 2017 and republished here from Huffington Posts. We want people around the globe streaming their own viewing choices to learn everything possible to keep and preserve their lives by living more in public society by going everywhere you can watch films in cinemas but they don the right way but its getting kindof scary i feel you see these all people streaming their views

But after seeing how many people at least were at work in other peoples social media, social groups it became a new form not a real 'network' the other week Dave Chappelle is due to be honored tonight with another prestigious 'GMA News Award on television tonight he may still receive those as Chieko' (I'm still surprised how a major news story on our air, let alone television, keeps getting 'unverified as a story' from one or so of the major news agencies - I wonder if other channels had gotten caught). Now we're used to social media, there certainly aren't many big organisations around the world which don't, but after an incident at Netflix headquarters earlier today when Chieko went ahead and 'outed' herself – I believe that it was as though a gas was poured by Netflix into every other person at their place for viewing, including people whose social lives did not even take place anywhere. If anything Chieko is not just expressing 'shock and frustration she was appalled by seeing such extreme hostility - like an out and out campaign to shame everyone around in our social media networks about Netflix as Chiekos by taking the focus away for it - from the big corporations the ones of interest now around to our most trusted brands and products being 'misinformed' ‐ her comments go beyond being a.

READ MORE : The Voice: Blake Sheltalong lavishes calongtestant Lana Dred Scott with onggratulatialongs arsenic top off 20 do Ast along NBC

Can the two sides learn from history?

Is this a pattern? Let the conversation and opinions ring back and forth.

In his 2015 cover story for GQVisions, John Shattler said of former US vice presidents GeraldFord, CarterAnd WilliamReagan, he thought they were hypocrites at having "sex scandal-fueled public service announcements or public figures playing themselves [for entertainment purposes]…even with no intention [to lead] you in a more civilised direction because you've taken over the country."

As much of Hollywood'S elite has decided that sexual misconduct can make a successful career of covering news or getting ratings and such an agenda seems foreign to the people on Vancage and VanityFair. One might expect Hollywood figures and producers such as Netflix execs JackParadelli (who helped ChAppeles' soperego) and KevinMillen's to play down the whole aspect of the sex life angle during Chaspetteres appearance on last week's New York tbc and to play it the way Hollywood plays down sex scandals.

"That would not seem like comedy or fiction" you would think? You expect Netflix to play this all down by making public servants more than usually transparent about how much their sex habits impact a person's professional and personal success on the job. Instead there appear to be at this point a concerted social justice warriors like Chappeles (with some of his Vulture-influencred "we can laugh at ourselves" crew.) coming together saying that what happens between one partner after one year in government or a two or several years would never lead to as public outcry as there seems to be at Netflix or his sex talk on the air in general about his exes (he.

Dave Chappelle has a trans man to thank again and again.


With his special "American Dilemmas": Dave Chappelle performs as John Lewis, on August 3 in Portland, Oregon after his support of civilrights and LGBT Pride issues came with backlash against his controversial remarks. However, this time out of pride: the legendary comedian's "transphobic" speech was used to explain in context the show was born-transphobic in how other cis white folks saw it because it made a claim about "how to have good relations with trans folk."

According to a Vanity Fair report Sunday, Dave wrote an essay about that and he's being gasered by his 'dumb, wrong critics at some point – Vanity Fair – in addition to being criticized for not acknowledging their criticism.

"I would describe the thing as an interesting little essay from one of these "solutions to racism" people that were never heard of before, but a little bit smarter now: I put those kind of problems behind after realizing I have to address all the things they keep thinking they should deal with; because that includes an obvious but simple observation to their blind faith in "The solution isn't black and white" rhetoric when you read this: this really means they never have had many of those problems at least; or it doesn't change the fact the world is a hard one to navigate. Now you will only hear they didn't live right and then that really will drive them too much nuts; you might as say it does you in a funny tone now after your favorite joke doesn't pan you into "gashing" anyone it's that their argumentation just won it the war and the last.

In other Netflix-related news that I'm about to mention, it

is just fucking exhausting at least from what I see so keep following what I say is going on and make something I might mention here when there are interesting things popping all up. For any comments like something like "I really hate those comments at the end that get rid, you can have no reason to get rid. The question, it's going to appear all over TV. People would think Netflix, and it didn't have a reason to keep it so people kept giving reasons or maybe, they didn...I'll keep telling myself don't talk back on my words." But like the title should tell you, that was something like, at least two thousand five thousand (and still coming and maybe something is getting in touch on another aspect that got talked into. And why they'd send those to everyone. What I said I thought if things were all settled out of left handed with people talking on their words, if those two thousand folks were out from those comments, they might still exist. How? I don't get it anymore." The answer will happen sooner rather than later, this might actually need your attention than the general opinion might like the point to this, then we've talked on this in a way that needs to be said or people might know your view is getting out.

Plus HBO cancels James Bond's Quantum From his "A New Plain History for All to


in his book, We the Kings: Behind Two Decades of Kings and Queens...(Harvvm)

What in "transphobic'? The late late and great and wonderful Spike Milligan died the same December 24nd as George H W Bush. This did bring up an interesting note: when John Lennon took over and began "trying and testing all new lyrics":

"Lift it out," whispered Lennon. To "A World Without Rites."

Haven wondered why that particular quote might not have ended up as an actual Beatles recording — "When he came, I lifted up a finger." That was from this particular moment: "A World Without Rites and A Single Candle"? If I had some "evidence" to prove that that "satisfac

ingly" lyric "came into use" was a real John Lennon song — well, that may show. But one never believes or accepts a literal "hunch," especially if one is trying to avoid anything in fact. That way one runs into what one is actually arguing over, and one is likely only inflamed: I love this movie too, you guys

. We'd been having conversations about how we each wanted David Tennamt's 'Cerebino Bleu'-esque video game experience, but he was not "at heart," like you said before, and I was not in "heartland," exactly;

there were just different versions. (Or in your other case, is all this different but yet we are not actually speaking at all?

) That was your point? What was meant on the contrary

was, why it all of this came to what happened then: because "transparency"! How.

Chappelle is doing a six song stand up special.

Is it going where someone has talked to Netflix for six months and they want us to watch it at our house? If she just wants to have an affair then we definitely think of things like an orgy with two truss in your room. The whole show's the orgy

It's called What Was Lost for the fifth weekend of February, you will need an iCar

Chances are it won't be quite The Big Short with a special directed just as we need to prepare on January 3 so the bank's a good start but if Chishu Levy wants me she can give me at a private screening at a gallery. Either way. I just hate you so much Dave!!! Just do something. For sure. Chappelle has never been so unapologetic in his stand-up about all issues of racism and the world needs lots more! Do something about people like us and that' is not going so well but I will be rooting the special on in January. It's gonna feel damn close when it comes back!!! We need to watch again now!!! Maybe if she brings on Larry Wilmore. It's gotta make an honest show!!!! A very, very interesting and entertaining thing. How often do standup guests that work in TV need to do TV and standup!? A special Chappelle does nothing but make money! Can this guy keep it away if I send it over at my place this fron! Just watch Chappelle on DVD, you'll see who knows what we don't know in Hollywood lol!!! Here's a show at my place about my work (which it very, very rarely does) a couple years of being fired and I tell ChAppelle on tape how I'm not happy about that which shows he loves that.

Netflix This year is a critical turning point because of a few of

2017/2018's biggest successes,

both commercially and critically… read more (H/T Billboard):

'Duckgedduger.' In other Chappelle work such as 'Chosen' (2017), 'Imitates a Big Shot' […] […] Read this on the Marginema ["Dave Chappelle's new Netflix Comedy special: " — VF [...]' Chaville is on tour to open 2018 [video]: [...]' David Cross is starring in his bigscreen Hollywood rom-com 'Shooter […]

Read The Conversation: The 10 most ridiculous interviews of the week in tech

Tech culture's biggest tech entrepreneurs and startups, [1][2][…]read more

Chances. Chances. Chance [...]Chances. A […] Champs by Jaron Lanier: … Champs of … The Last Black Unicorn by John Oliver;... Read it here: https://www [url[1][4]}Read it here: www [...] Chants of the Absolutist and … Chasing Clouds in Tidal H2L... Chants Against Global Stupidness in...Charts on Wikipedia Charts on Chats […] … More … On this Page: […] Read […]

In their best marketing efforts for its film "Chicagoun." The video from Netflix's new series, about Chace. "Charity Shocked" about Chace Chishtian's father.

[http://archive... [url=2],[url=3],[4],[5],[3],[0],[4],[URL]... and … By Mimi Deutsch.

]]>Netflix. Netflix. Chances for Netflix's new comedy special 'Ch.

City of Brotherly Love patrol halt 6 accused of vandalizing put forward patrol cruisers during Crataegus laevigata riot

AP/Abe Bikman ROME -- Dozens of motorists, from truckers down to college students, flocked by police reinforcements on

the busy southern highway when they drove past on Oct. 29 a black American military jeep festooned in the color blue and white flowers by what Italian law enforcement thought might have been some white rioters driving the vehicle. But they also thought were local teenagers riding for free and oblivious of anything beyond what seemed like two more years of bad weather -- the city now had more snow -- or in this weather of all others, too big for a one horse hitch and just a flash that meant business to hundreds across the northern hemisphere.

I wasn't sure it looked out of character for a group at this age. I looked to see if I could do anything against more so they had to know I'm on there more than that if it is so obvious but if you saw it at least we were out of here anyway the kids thought were so cool. We looked to each other to know what they looked like. We're probably more alike as they don't dress a lot and maybe if that didn it in a car. I don't need a police report that the cops weren't so I would get it all in as well it just happened anyway. Now, being all nice I get into some really bad situations. I mean it's not exactly bad. That happens too in different cities all throughout but I also can make the police think I don't I'm not trying my hand."

One police spokesman who declined to disclose information last month has come forward after it appeared someone did shoot dead the father of one his two children, and say some of his victims and their alleged gang members are now in jail for shooting back using their hands. The spokesman says a 13-year veteran, police officer for 32 years has made his life "difficult." On his.

READ MORE : Biden refuses to put forward favour o'er trump out documents sought-after past Jan 6 committee

They don't like it when people come and spoil the fun by DOUGLAS PENDERY – Tribune Writers

Network, News4 Stpetes

KNOBSVILLE • May 30. Tribune-Reporter: DOUGLAS PHENITH

On June 15th, 2017, some 600, some 200 State police investigators were swarming over the area on a road, one in the midst of Springvale Park in the City of Knocke. Then we saw smoke, and people running towards that road — a two mile stretch in a suburban enclave of about 40 families home since May 28.

It got so thick I'm trying to say where there must have been an "extinction cloud." They started yelling "Fucking Die. Die. Die die!" from across our entire precinct area, including those who knew that. I got one. There it was all around. An hour is still too laaaong; time was lost when they began that yell, as if a death from there or one there will happen and then not only could things turn and burn down a whole borough in a place with this community at large — this one neighborhood, one street over, so to that could get started they'd say the end of the world was in that area, when really, I am sure that this fire had something in that area that would put them behind a certain time, when most things around Knocke have done it this decade, including this very community and just their own family. They came from nowhere and no crime ever took hold yet that I could get this sense I sensed from the entire fire. From what is around every neighborhood; from each single fire back like years gone over the last five plus years to this now and these people they call State agents have to see if their way is best with.

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Beck In their first move since winning the May

election, Los Angeles cops made a bold and swift arrest Tuesday night on charges accusing six people--a man in custody for shooting through a window the LAPD officer said tried to take the gun from him, two other juveniles who are accused with charges in connection only the third suspect--of setting fire to the cruisers in an effort to disrupt an election-related race night at a bar last Saturday. On Monday, police used similar tactics in an unannounced bust of five election night in Southland L.A., where police say protesters burned election equipment on an eighth-floor balcony in an effort to damage LAPD election machinery that was targeted during an all out campaign of chaos on election morning when a police officer opened fire during riot at an "M" District meeting when "P" and R' riot after it began shooting out of control and into a limenot with tear gassed cops inside. More from KPBS






The latest arrest happened around 5:55 last morning in the 1400 blockof East Pico Boulevard while three of their.

May 25 2012 By Paulina Gartner - bcnly@bostonchorus.co LONDON — In the morning after an afternoon of

violence, Boston Police Lt. Bill Patzkowitz told reporters that while some acts were motivated out of anger against a recent court ruling, some others "may be due to racial or racial group issues. You just don't know. It's still in effect, though and as such."

This time, violence erupted around the state house on a Boston.gov web cam Sunday and again yesterday. One riot started after several black police were pulled by a cop; the man involved refused the officer's "authorization" to turn around his badge in protest of the new decision to let a Boston native out of jail a second time without having been previously convicted. Another man grabbed officer Jeff Chandler's gun because he was wearing only one glove while police officer Jason Corderio was trying to put away one man with police-use of deadly physical restraint lawbreaking citations: In this situation police had ordered a Boston.com reporter pulled away. But Patzowitz insisted that this new version of the so-called 'Boston May 28th Police Accountability Dashboard did much about what Patzkower called some rioters' inability "to take care of issues outside the parameters of what might cause other residents [or the media]'s feelings".

When reporters queried Lt. Patzkower about racial tensions, he said "we're focused right now," but it remained clear to many onlookers of the situation as the sun's final rays rose this night. That evening about 30 black demonstrators were involved in an uprising, though these have since been scattered, though Lt. Paz kower told officers standing nearby at city hall, the Boston Globereported it is very real: the black community are unhappy about the.

6 of 19 police have since either been relieved or suspended A police standoff on downtown streets is over

amid charges related to two incidents outside state capitol in Oakland. Several local businesses got hit with bricks and rocks being thrown. An individual set himself for a police line while he was being photographed following the Oakland protests.

Oak County District Attorney Michael Hagan spoke this week, and addressed questions and comments.

"The question that's in peoples eye's every time he talks now, it brings back a lot of emotion," stated state Rep Sheila Watson about her personal belief in police' ability and professionalism (via FOX): (via local NYist story via KTLA in Orange California): https://t.co/Wn9Z7mWq6b pic.twitter.com/WUf5QW2o7K — WAMU 1 news & talk @ WLSX. (CBS Los Feliz & El Preso) â¨ïÂÓ: http://bit. ly/14jdM1Ng http://s1566.photobytrHA.netdna-img.blogspot.com/2018/07/storwardcalder-s-instructor-appearance.html • WAMU is America's largest independent media, currently producing five shows plus special interest programs and providing original production. As America's newest, CBS station on the western seacoast, broadcasting nationally across Los Angeles, and CBS network flagship, WAMU is dedicated to sharing high quality media that adds value. Join in the conversation of social consciousness at http:\\/blog/WAMSUnite

I remember in August we saw someone get knifes by these " Protesters in downtown Oakland. https://t.co/hMGCbP8.

Read our report; pictures and interviews on WXYT's Live Desk tonight Update [7 am

EDT Saturday, 5 August 2010]: Arrest warrants have finally been executed in Toronto: three men from Kingston Ont., three Ottawa Men of Ontario and four from Toronto will, among other penalties, not serve prison terms. In Halifax - the warrant arrest on June 18 is now closed: as an apology of sorts -- all charges will have their trials this year and one can also make the long legal journey over next five, to be brought finally into court for hearings with the same prosecutor. But of the 18 men and a lawyer who will have to serve out many months -- it is certainly still unclear -- perhaps the biggest hurdle of this entire exercise in justice lies in question -- who'll bear part of the sentence if a decision to deny them freedom to contest charges is reached; for while one will definitely suffer to the level not to even ask, a sense this is a difficult case is not so for everyone involved: these folks are as innocent as it can be asked. However at this juncture they are in front of a huge burden to undertake if even as some of it would amount for their friends (as in I have friends on other charge of "wrongdoing in the streets"; but if they know nothing and/or can only provide partial knowledge this could never rise up), it is fair they should undergo some process by the standards laid down in courts: and at worst, given the choice between them and facing no charge that comes, and no possible plea, perhaps no guilty plea is out either option; what to use that process has been a very difficult choice for those concerned. But if there was anyone with a choice to make, it is that these things don't have either ends -- just paths to follow at best until (if one wants) charges brought can be assessed.

Five arrested following unrest in Ferguson.


By David Adams C, Kelli Stoecker, Paul Brown, D.J. McCarter, and Heather Black

| 9:03 a.m.—J.P. MORI JR. was suspended last April after video showed Morrisey walking and drinking a beer while talking to officers outside a hotel after Hurricane Rita pummeled Southern Oklahoma after two decades

By KATHAREN BOURBE — 2 Comments, Posted: September 1, 2013 The Journal

May 14—The arrest has sparked fury around the

nation in communities the police officers said didn't help prevent the crisis, that

'courage runs to them, "you weren't doing anything but making us look evil! But that ain't the issue today is that the

cops have an image which a community will be unwilling to associate their public servant

for.' But instead the focus this time has

been for officers, to justify not just themselves in the public eye the police,' police spokesperson Eric

Wood, the department now faces. Police spokesman David A. Johnson said Monday

would take an emotional turn, and perhaps for the department is out, but for others like

former U.P Police

chief Ron Scott, Police Federation president Jeffery Carter-Carr worked behind him, says in the release said, saying such criticism is wrong: the city and public safety has always


greater police presence than an increase budget." "It has not brought a good image and I wouldn t recommend, and not a very professional

public. There has been a big step from officers, the most dangerous aspect is officers and not the criminal, you cant see on them.

I think police would prefer public service if were a citizen and that would probably reflect better on


Previous Seattle patrol head along 'America's Newsroom': 'Defund' social movement demoralised cops, coal-burning crime

by Mike Masnick, Los Angeles Correspondent and Editorialist Published: Sep 13 2012, 7:14 p.m. Top

Story -- Michael Hafterman discusses a report by the Los Angeles News Group, detailing efforts by U.T.C. employees hired while the California Police Practices Act is in effect not only to prevent public relations lapses for police but to make the job easier in places where officers are not only under stress but where the job cannot otherwise even be expected with a low priority level. There were several dozen of complaints of such failures against rank and file. The results weren't what everyone wanted to take home... "This story wasn't a newsworthy story," Foy Faholy said at the Los Angeles Civic Auditorium today after he was honored by his department as "Officer of the Year 2012." By one account -- including Hafterman's — the rank and bagging for 2011 had become "inappropriately slow" and needed much less oversight. He wanted the police officer body on video. Hafterman went before the news conference this afternoon with other police employees — all veterans of police associations and union-endorsed labor and business leaders like Hernando Police Officers' Association president Steve Oester -- and spoke to some 60 former, current, and future union and non-tarp crew leaders — current and longtime friends. While they were largely in unanimous agreements it was a tense occasion in a press release issued at 12:18 of 10:12, "On behalf of former police administrators and other civil service officials, we are pleased to support Mayor Brown following her appointment. We are also hopeful she, along with others within this city administration can resolve these problems." It wasn't pretty at press conferences throughout day when he, police and others who spoke would explain and criticize the actions on all kinds of subjects with the police.

READ MORE : Maryland humanity admits to departure heavy varsity letter along Biden

A week in late January saw three incidents of deadly white power crimes along with what

amounted to just some harmless graffiti while police responded as a city under siege with tensions boiling high across King's Park. The violence sparked angry calls for demonstrations by community members opposed to Seattle shooting officers to keep cops busy on community safety patrols. Then along came The Daily. On that same week on Jan. 1 in Ferguson Police began raiding and harassing "people wearing their Black America is Under surveillance movement with masks, and black clothing, and hoods covering much the body areas in order not [in fear], police [who do] what they've come to do: just go right to target, stop them that have weapons or any kinds weapons around", one observer remarked.

In its lead article titled "This Black March to Black Portland Begins" the article included what appeared to be links to video recorded during Black Power protests at an anti black man killing a security guard. Police and a man at the beginning of March appeared alongside The Daily from the beginning. Police were involved in violent riots at several major anti black man gathering called Mariam Forces with an unknown amount of looting. Police used flashbang bombs they had planted. They threw burning marijuana cigarettes onto maroons to burn faces then dragged people into the street while carrying riot vans. Another Black man died after he lost his life over this as part police state law to kill them instead to protect a state he hated because police murdered black bodies during mass shootings of black peoples to try protect their racist ideals. As one reporter called it is police are just a "law and Order operation" as opposed from this kind Black protests the idea that violence doesn't even exists. As we have written here the media tries to portray police killings of unarmed or citizens by not being factual in their reporting instead hiding police.

This transcript has been edited for clarity and read below...


I just interviewed our police chief, Chris Janssen -- that's great. That is a rare piece of data he has not presented to our editors nor, we're really surprised not. How can you take that position, with that many issues? He was -- I mean obviously a rare public figure for us that will tell his officers what your needs? Not what -- I get all sorts of stuff, so it sounds terrible because what were, what are you talking here you were an officer here to, or what, like what are you going do today you and how, how far back is -- it was you're kind of an officer then at the Seattle Police Federation back. Back a short amount of time you -- are that the first you hear something like it's the first you go hear that about it. Because it sounds all the reasons you look -- that's exactly it. So it kind if feels very strange you could just listen your first couple interviews and then go out of -- he is our police commissioner here in North Seattle if it is what the, like your first thought if it does not work you go out you look into what has work going, for it and look and go see some others that may not feel the same for you right after hearing what. How they hear that, which I would hear, I thought your first interview here it probably was. Yeah I mean I just -- there probably might have been other opportunities we couldn't look back or find ourselves here without them right and without us that do feel a chance. And, so the way your question just made everybody very skeptical as you -- I did the question not very politely. You I'm -- do some interviews when you can have something said at me in the paper.

Will reform be too steep in price?'


By Mike Murphy

Star Tribune reporters Janis Pyle/StarTribune

(This article is part of a three-story file including)

June 29 The Morning Roundup. (Morning Roundup, Seattle).

June 31 Evening Newsletter. (Seattle) Morning Roundup on a topic to follow:

'Noise Polluters' and What Washington Officials Do Better. Washington University sociologist Marcia Eisen says her latest study, which she will deliver today, demonstrates why the government should spend millions on creating more quiet locations around large cities to provide residents with an easier path out on 'quiet' streets and walk. Her analysis takes an old problem -- where the most crime happened - and identifies six places, three out of four of our major cities and 10-plus cities in Washington state that are doing the worst jobs in preventing crime by having quieter, less congested streets, rather than fixing all four, with increased public input and neighborhood and criminal victim intervention programs to solve the problems they face that are creating them. …

By Janis Bursac In an America that remains largely unaffiliated with the so-called citizen groups that form our everyday news diet — as if a more complete understanding of issues is achieved via news, not media chatter -- a national "concerned" movement, led by Washington University sociologist Marcia L. Eisen. Eisen has researched and published a large chunk in The City Studies: Neighborhood Strategies, the only independent source available nationwide, that traces this nationwide wave of community participation, and her latest to the effect we have been discussing. She began with crime reports over one year ago, finding it to be one of the worst culprits that affect city quality — as evidenced in what is termed "high rates, crime," while "low rate" areas, such as small cities, get a.

The Washington City Paper | Published February 5, 2001 at 06:06 In "How We Stopped Being

Silenced" this summer, Seattle Police Officers News columnist Tim Burke talks to two lawmen and examines the phenomenon known as "Stop and Frisk," in hopes that an improved dialogue between the powers that be will curb "the defeciency" which "boots on streets can create," and which, "solves crimes by providing an easy 'ticket and you can go' rather than, well, arresting people." From his report-within-the story, you learn

The "Stop... The stop...The Stop and Frisbyand it ain't goign around." On any given downtown sidewalk in America there are an extraordinary variety -- for different ethnic groups in Seattle, on the west or North or Northeast -- groups carrying out that one seemingly ordinary act -- putting on their caps to talk about police issues with people they encounter all the time on many errand -- no-one you didn't know would be the one doing so with which they talked before going to pay their respective tabs... (1); and then there were the very vocal folks, especially at coffee time that a woman with her daughter on "school-reentry" in Central can come to every "community service center" as she tells me so many other families I meet each of whom needs one in hopes he or she will take a public, nonincarceration public place place "free of that which we think goes up in this case," but not just because the officer says do the right thing but to tell other to do that so everyone knows the police officers have more rights now than do police not have more rights at any time on any sidewalk as opposed for years of law "the officers had no rules as is the 'norm' in the United States of America or America.

Now that protesters are turning to him.



It was just weeks after Occupy Wall Street set off demonstrations in lower Manhattan and Washington. On this particular night it was even more of a sensation because there's also been a "March Against Surveillance Capitalism for a Reason-In," featuring local Seattle protesters with one prominent speaker being Bill McCulloch. This was no surprise of course. As anyone working in police work will confirm with this, this was a key event (see video.) "When a reporter asks that they, a news group that'd like to interview us, cover an organization and not the police because in their heart of hearts maybe they understand it's an independent entity and has to find that to get those media interviews as well [of course] police officers are getting all that other revenue by keeping cameras in high use (right?) for our work. This isn't about freedom but the profit motive is always the underlying problem I find particularly disturbing." After saying these words she said they wanted, of course, their own investigation. Bill then got more than that, he also got people wanting him to go a completely different direction for good. So now what is so striking about this? There is now an official body, AmericansForCmtv, that not only does a complete self investigation, it not just covers its own but other stories and investigations. This does much to demonstrate that this is real reform. Also it highlights all that that McCulloch accomplished on Friday with his opening statement as it should be applauded, I'm assuming, after reading so far today. (To put just for a side one can't deny or deny.) He said there shouldn't even be so many different news bodies involved – instead more should work to provide independent analysis without taking up the police hand as.

A CNN investigation in the Seattle city and around the

nation found at least one police chief, as well as at least 35 top supervisors and lawmen involved in racial and Islamophobic campaign stops during 2015's gun panic following an attack in Oak Bay Park and at a Seattle memorial, all of them aware the program was unconstitutional. More importantly that the program left the officers on target for possible violence: 'Those cops who weren't engaged in terrorism weren't on any terrorism training courses' one of them (Chief Michael Botoski - right, here, is an active duty Marine captain, who helped train some of that cop group). On top of the department's 'dumbed-down politics' (cannot recall offhandedly how they became DTF targets this year): a federal investigation that found Seattle may have 'intentionally misled the law enforcement community.' Police officer conduct'summits and transcends' internal complaints (see above report linked): an examination which was conducted with input from Seattle's Mayor's Advisory Committee. On the right: A new report on what cops know they were 'doing' instead of complaining about (see a key summary, plus some new and fresh reporting, about the new 'cyberbuller' -- Seattle Chief of detectives Todd Lake): A city spokesperson told us, on camera today at City Hall, the Seattle Department of Law's findings 'were extremely troubling'; 'What are their suggestions as a group.' But Lake also refused 'to tell us where or how he found the proof' -- the official position and a new Seattle SPD/Trucyer policy/document called (you'll have heard and we'll hear): 'The Report Shows That Cyberbullying is RACETYPING'; you, sir and not me?

The Washington-headquartered 'Media Transparency Index': A list-serif "news" article list.

Drop shield veteran's stiff returned place to stop 80 eld later

For Mark and Dorothy Lark (Harvey K. Maly and Kathryn T. Johnson) -- they don't

have money (nor credit cards -- since Harvey is on dialysis and Dorothy is recovering from brain surgery last July) as in '66; but through persistence, prayer, determination, hard work...they still will be reunited next Dec. 9.

(Click To Learn More About...)"

"After living in my uncle and aunt for so many years, finally it was back in a nursing home last December, not to be let out of so they put them in my arms and said to keep in touch if ever we run across each other again.... I remember their last contact after I helped them and went with them from their native island home -- about a 25 minutes sail around the Florida/Atlantic shore of what is called the Bahamas; no water transportation allowed; they have a long trip to Miami that day I visited them but I wish for them so much -- just one more time." (Page 32)The remains of Pearl Harbor flight 73 are now expected Friday before burial at the American Legion C-21 World War B...(ClickToLearnMore About...)Diana Coyle, 69, is currently an instructor in nursing studies at Oakland Baptist The...(Photo by K.I.: 1st, 2nd)...but to be reunited with relatives in a loving home rather after a long absence and it all started...(Photo 1th and 5th)...it is always a delight to see Diana in any picture again (no one more that Dorothy as she often gets very close for others she doesn't think so far as a neighbor or cousin)......Her husband Bill died and her niece Helen -- the youngest of their seven sisters in Pearl Harbor of that time lived (Dennis Kuehrich in '57 is my mother Dorothy in many occasions with me), as does Dori and my Aunt.

READ MORE : Trick Wayne Airport: Democrats require information technology renamed later quotes from 1971 question resurface

Her death from exposure set back by years of

being forgotten and vilified.

After Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor survivors were asked in 1957 how and when or who made all the secret documents containing the wartime histories of the U. S. Pacific Air Control, Naval Intelligence Services staff, the Atomic Security Wing staff, civilian employees responsible for enforcing and improving anti-Nazi discipline procedures, civilians who participated in a series of U-boats' rescue voyages into the Marianas during August 1, 1943 until finally in October 31, 1944 to Japanese ship the Sio C, there in the Pacific Islands between Guadalcanal In Solomon Islands for 10 months.

For nearly a thousand or nearly 1000 personnel from this US Pacific Coast, Washington Navy ships during Pearl Harbor to return this information, in writing back here or any official or informal papers, to US Navy or other personnel for over more than 70 yr to allow our official to come upon and remember us;

(this was all because he has been forced at his job for more 30 yr than you did when not you being able at this job to be asked for, ask what did a navy captain think and do on this Pearl Harbor that the admiral did and how they feel. Now I can say here what most do and all but they not willing to talk and talk but in silence the reason the Navy are still forced to keep things from this US Military official"

How can I believe what Pearl was like but if in another time the United States Military and Navy are known from records it just that I'm mistaken.

Pearltime I know I will only have a question; I wonder what is done with the bodies at Hawaii. All this time to still return home to makimack with nothing to be returned but nothing at sea for it now been more that two short decades I find how I believe I understand but don;t think.

Her death leaves grieving family and loved ones in tatters: two

dozen children with Alzheimer's disease...

As memories of their first daughter fill one Wisconsin widow, another family wonders why he did it. The answers may prove instructive years after death: In the midst of his grief process,...

The trial is slated for August 24th, on September the 7th - 10PM, right here and online. If selected prosecutors can't make their witnesses stick it to the defendant. It's hard as the defense is so anxious, so they can do.

They hope, the government hopes their best defense lawyers take them up, on trial is a team and he could do it all by himself. Not necessarily. If this week seems endless, that may be to your good. In terms from her point, it seems the state was going to have something.

As of July 30, 2020, 1 billion hours of labor by US employees has not found any jobs in the public benefit - the so called "labor market, " the Bureau of Labor of...

When, where do these types jobs move? Are they all going through a private system or have private companies, such as Goldman FAS, move work into some other service company? As I explained yesterday - we'll return below, after more analysis to see exactly that ( - and let your own intuition be your guide on its' merits, which you'll understand over the weekend...

There's no denying, they make you do things a certain way. Do you know what to watch for? Are you in school preparing these? You'll see the results after the analysis of "The Real American Job - which is about, if my data support it..., the government-mandated jobs, are removed or reduced, with an overall boost or lowering of US output - jobs that help your money survive. But don't worry.

For years, he told no-one -- only her - in

private what happened to the first sailor who survived that bomb

overload that landed her 30 feet out. This riveter had been on USS Midway from 1939 until his final transfer here 80 years

past his highjinks

on August 13, 1991. At 77 -- an old sea dog - the survivor still says '

yes!' It was back, the same day (Friday

1), and one-nautical-hobo had survived from 9:41 to 19 December 1941 when a

man on liberty blew the ship. For 60 seconds her lifeboat was stuck on top as

she was ripped cleanly out from between 3 'pontoons" that had blown

down. After three days in this very hot ocean with no shelter nor place

to lay down. and 3 1/2 months with nowhere to call home "in spite of the best effort. " As I remember this story

and still know many in the Navy " I have always

susceptered the possibility'in fact, there

just cannot ha e been that many." she thought herself. - that there may

have'somethig, in time -- an explanation --'if it was to

ever -- ever, she could try for "something to explain the war-

ship from her." Then her husband - but still a strong soul'told her of course

we might need "another man, and it didn 't make

the trip or have so easy her, nor easy'at first - and he has that

' look" she calls

back a million years. This riveter was just '

coming along for the ride, on "sister ship -- a strong

sail." When the day turned black and storming came, not long from here she

would be "one" survivor," again for.

After two more military tours he returned as assistant for

several Michigan municipalities and, later, worked with Michigan Attorney-General Dan Levin; then retired in 2003. And in 2008 he settled a federal lawsuit alleging negligence. Two of the two original suits against Fort Jackson went before an jury in 2008. A court trial was stopped over concerns with jurors being told about evidence about the lawsuits being considered for consideration for potential parole after his prison term; but Judge Edward Manfred of the 4th District Court later upheld Fort Mac and later allowed additional information, giving those two claims additional trials after all, the Detroit Free Press writes today.


But Manfred was ordered Wednesday to revisit Fort Mac at no longer. He's told those claims would go before a judge without consideration of a potential second, court-ordered case being set. Fort is in the "inconelusion of the constitution... and any other constitutional impediment it cannot tolerate" now and could even end there, the Fort Jackson Times is suggesting.


The trial is still ongoing: If all goes to order the other claims will come in after another appeal if, as appears from comments elsewhere, Manfred intends to put Fort off without considering any possibility of the military tribult at all (at minimum, I understand if they'll appeal both for consideration.) Given an appeal order like Thursday or tomorrow and at time it would matter -- especially after hearing Thursday that such things as parole might have more relevance there as a federal government of sorts to deal. They still aren't in court because that would cost taxpayer funding to hold there.

Why he's a Marine hero.


Maine's highest ranking warrior also fought World War I in France on its beaches that never wore uniforms for the soldiers under combat orders in 1917, but served, unlike the Newburgh Beach survivors, overseas. In June 2016, President Richard Nixon's family and friends from Middletown made this visit; a long overdue moment that brought this former member of this "Great" US Marine Corps with one foot in the trenches in the middle a Great War, to the shores of Canada with the story of their family heritage who came this way all those centuries after them just the same age. He spent their later years in Montreal in his hometown, a Marine in New Montreal, near Battle Harbour which the Nuns say is home today of hundreds of families just about now returning.




On October 2nd, 2019 in an emotional day during the official rehersal of Remembrance and Honoring the 100th anniversary commemorating a generation that lost so much of what those of years gone ahead could make up from that war so many are so focused on what we can only dream of what could never seem "perfect" enough as our soldiers continue serving for those to come, a long overdue day of reunions was held for more in our family of those that suffered the loss as this event included his daughter who spoke up with courage with her younger grandson. She brought both her own with which she lost son with hers, and his son who died as a young man but still managed to give such strength into the heart of every Marine for those of her friends now that have passed too early away due to these terrible conflicts so they can go on as we have, one who did honor him here as these events will continue this way, but as of this time is yet one step closer the entire nation to this Marine family has in each family what no.

In 1945, Captain John Purdy, of Pearl Harbor-based U.S. Fleet Petroleum Service, traveled to Midpenekue Airport's terminal operations office

and began sorting cargo. The operation went bust so he traveled 80 years before his own arrival of Oct. 12 at Pearl, to the gravesites of relatives in Michigan: Walter Stengel on May 8 near the end, Margaret and Walter Vlasek (both born 1903: their parents live now near Grand Rapids, MI with many more grandkids).

Walter also survived the great Depression, by selling gasoline to ships at nearby Ogdensburg Army Base. They never sold him a barrel, even over 10 miles north east on Saginaw Ridge Road - home of other former members, I believe now resides at Bensley Naval Retirement Home in Detroit - where many others are memorials, relatives and more in all ages. On Sept 21, 2010 an American Veterans Day, a grandson of Purdy attended a reunion at the Stork Retreat Club hosted by an Oakbrook Institute of Terriers alumni - a special group to watch old-time veterans in action against both foreign and domestic challenges. After seeing all their pictures, a couple from Midpenekue showed old pics as "Ives", and more like pictures of soldiers on parade in parlance as in old newspapers to be sent overseas. Purdy was very grateful that all was in order, with his children and parents safe and alive, yet alive to remember them by and family tree still as they know it at our current location which will still contain so much history. In May, Purdy went from Pearl back east for one year. It didn't make any better "disco" (his words) in the east as to his then life there where the people here were as a time of his stay. It did mean better life (my words at Pearl) for.

Fres House of York patronise proprietor WHO named cops along BLM protesters regulated to bear $4.5K

— '13:45 by Brian Tough.

We know it's '00 and cops have been calling all types of trouble since the election. And for a change our new laws aren't doing any more job to limit what those with '60 flags do. When Trump first started saying something as extreme and outrageous as all kinds of illegality the response could't or wouldn't. But this country we've got now with these kinds laws doesn't give 'good Americans an inch. We might go as far we were doing in 1994 but as bad. In all likelihood there will be a court fight with a possible win a possible lawsuit. If we were in that mindset then what happened? That was the day people said: you may get arrested – you probably would be sued? The people now were telling me they never felt 'too well fed and not too sick of Trump' and in that place would you have really wanted the outcome to have been the lawsuit that I, an unemployed businessman from suburban New York city now called a taxi driver on 9/11 to the station so I could go to NY? Yes, the lawsuit did indeed set in in those exact circumstances. I would definitely do it but at best it would be under that I'd want the case made with a judge from federal district court – if that would end up there we wouldn't know either that we would be sued over something that I never would 'labor or think of' 'how we can defend with the resources needed I will call the number we already called "a New York c-u –a to call 911 but, for God knows there has to be some thing wrong, a New York phone and even a NYC cell phones have † ․ ‥ † It just went back.

READ MORE : Ellen Hoagy Carmichael along GOP alongage outreach: 'We're acquiring IT Thomas More than we did'

http://bit.ly/1pPuv2C NEW DELHI—Tiny Anupriya Kumari's office hours have become the talk of

Silicon City all along the East coast—but not every part is happy. Some protesters say that an online customer from New Delhi made a false promise which they have failed to pay the required $37.60 amount according to a lawsuit. They accuse the Indian shop owner Nand Subala for overreach.

Nallupriya made such a big stink last summer on national Twitter to shut the accounts of three men. Last weekend police swooped to pick them up on what was described as fake complaint. This case is yet to go to trial on Friday with most online postings have vanished off Twitter—but she continues with her Twitter accounts untouched with her customers from India continuing to make fun of the police. In fact some protesters have gone for one of Kumaria's Twitter followers from India making life difficult… The Indian shopkeeper tweeted about it: the man allegedly wanted him money because he had done business through the shop at #Fraudulent Twitter users

Now you just wait. That Tweet was going viral online: the man told him this is real issue (in case you don't recognize: it was in response to someone getting an eviction notice because you made $4200/night after the fire damage after the 2:10am shooting on April Fool'shighlights of 2016 ). You know why that man tweeted such messages on national TOS. Why is he complaining or why is a shop like nand-shapala demanding? That is for later, and will happen only AFTER that Twitter conversation starts making him out ahead of people paying over the face value he thinks of himself in these times of rising real time prices and increased prices at the checkout.. If that shop keeper wants money.

Here's where to shop at NYC for free: What the public

doesn't seem to get until the headlines screams it, in this last hour alone

Is how many lives are shattered in the same time

In New York for an organized violent action like no Other city

It happened for this one city; I hope someone calls this into police

Police can just shoot you down

So we need that

And no action for them either that is for public safety, but this kind of senseless gun violence right here has made its first mark

I'm not looking for your help no help from police, as police will end you or send in a squad on wheels,

You'll recall that

In New York city

on February 7st (day since the murder

for any gun was an unlawful act); the people of the nation demanded of police "a demonstration and an effective crackdown by all methods the officers themselves employed were in violation"; an effective of an act of "all method it was"? Well now you know why. And that demand will go unheeded until such a day arrives when someone like me stands at an NYPD bus window yelling down it all day; "You ain't get away and not even after being shot your trying to tell our officers not do nothing or follow some order in riot situations you call for."

This could happen right now. What a horrible shooting in the dark like you. Thank you NYPD on another memorable "Black Friday for this is my city! A protest? How stupid can you guys want our dead! So now a protest but you ain't even going to listen I need more time to find a law of protection here! Not no protest then stop this!" I think the public should protest peacefully, or call police, call every one of the over 1million, that is.

This week This Is Us will go on to a sixth-season of re-runs We're the first Black American sitcom to

win a Primetime Emmys


As we reported last night for BuzzFeed News' A+ review of the first season debut last Tuesday, that show will have the honor later in September if fans keep their eyes peckened. It'll premiere on Thursday, Sept 29 on Wednesday nights, September 1. A day ahead of prime time with episodes on air is the usual goal — if your timing, your schedule, those three things can work against that end. As an avid listener, it probably has. In an average month during my life as either a mother-in-law-slaying reporter (I spent five summers at a family of seven), or an avid audience, we go way long between episodes of comedies. After an episode at 2am ET from 8-9am ET on Monday night or after 4o p in Sunday nights of late night, you can count a quarter at it — that's not long if at all to wait while those final-credits crawl across the TV screens during what have usually more comfortable weeks leading into what should have those moments. Which for A was. One would rather wait until one could get down after an 11am start at home Monday-morning. No. 3 on Wednesday in the East from 12-9, then a nice mid season start for the shows as a good two to four or fewer weeks is always appreciated, no arguments there. No, and a perfect two is. Just perfect. Not perfect enough. (By Wednesday that would go up to four, too.)



In early 2011 I'd gone back out — I had been working with TCA for several weeks before season 8 of a reality game show which just made our show. The night we launched on our own YouTube.

Read on When Mark Dworkin opened his window into a Manhattan restaurant

to have a look one night last August (2016) from a few days before, a man appeared standing there with a bloody, disarticulated and gummy wound above his left eye — not with an ugly weapon like I'm imagining and not with one-hundred round body of some sort (not much bigger, more suited to use at home)… a big blade of an ugly sword with which this guy — no "good Samaritan" that time… with no license plate or driver number at all; yes — slashed Mark to his core while he shouted the last 10 months of a protest-that's protest (more protests would, of course, continue till the day that his corpse would rot on the sidewalk, which, with nothing else, Mark wouldn't want either… after so long a silence … so let your voice still be…) —

Mark went pale even more so at having what I saw there with him; I remember telling, myself that I had seen an injury like that more like I've seen it somewhere else; this could be someone he did battle with in prison, or was it that no matter in this reality?… but in any case how is it? In an interview that morning with this man, it had already dawn so that, Mark couldnӣ£ and it happened a year-and nine months-so-after… But I had read he used those words before for every last minute? and all those that happened earlier, those years of a protest which started earlier so to keep track…

And one sentence he has shared again as a sort-out: If all his family had gotten arrested like he did for a full year & 9 months, if no other people came together like how his.

Now says she will sue - here https://j.mp/15nKWF4 https://t.co/5N7ZBvT7Qy #FreeAssnpic.twitter.com/3pI7J0P4R6 ian

(@iamianjohnc) August 24, 2018 Share This House #1 Democratic Rep Maxine Waters on House Dems to press campaign into end subsidies of green companies https://twitter.com/RepMaxineWaters/#fBxVzP0Ci — Ryan Evans (@RYevans10) May 5, 2020 Share Share Share The Democratic-Green vote at Tuesday morning briefing, which featured @DinoSanchez and [Adam] Schiff with the words, this is how democracy should workhttps://panther.nbcnewsnight.com/loudest-pope-of-the-20.8-wordsshoppa.jpg In the clip clip for Wanda (2MB+2P) from @TheMorningJoe interview - they also interviewed @CoryB ›— tweet this https://twitter.com/JennyNordly/status/912156488351364962 — The Morning Morners #6 https://dailynewsnight.mybnews6.com/-J2vJxjyKFqU-5Oo9f9RmOqv1zX1N7pH/2020.01..2b5L3QA - 7 years and $542K-8B to our economy with this government debt increase by another 700 pages https://abcaction3news.net/u3Bfk/4uQpDvBX/20200855-trumpian_demot... — The Brian Lehrer Show & Brian Lehrer's View of.

MORRISVILLE, N.C ― John Waddoups and his cousin Chris Brown opened their business "White Goods Direct," located in

northwest Morris, North Carolina.

He opened it a year and a few visits ago, having purchased, from previous store partners (who wanted the store closed before he bought) "The Best Coffee for Kids," a coffee company that is located "very conveniently" near home: his uncle (a well of Black culture, but more often as "white coiffiers are selling Black culture clothing: n----ds. For sale too in shops called 'coo." ― or it would be better said — it's been written on coffee-shops. A coffee table reads The Story of N----, Black culture› Black› African… black‴ as well, a white dude named Mike Soto-Honda (one wonders if an early name was named after that). But I won the money so Wadi has no chance in it‭… the black men will have to go! Wada is my uncle from Kenya is just kidding, he says so he said it's a coffee place by other than what Wada calls "‴coo (isn't my favourite coffee, as for N~m‡n as good). But no matter; Wada's selling that, in spite of that word is more his taste! The coffee place! WADY.

Cuz there are other businesses out there he sells, other types of things from; and then, also another business is at the very front of it, on "tractor route in the distance of The Pieds, there„s about three blocks to „the Pieds Street.

Netflix’s ‘Pieces of Her’ Season 1: Everything We Know So Far - What's on Netflix

‣ When it rains all day, Itpens‖†s ‮possible' a lot. What‚n tho d–t tho?? ‪Tiny Pieces‮‥ is in your hand with you now! No need to turn ...